Tuesday 2 April 2013

My awesome Easter weekend!!!

For Easter I went to Auckland. It was my brother's birthday as well as my Auntie's so we got to do a lot of fun things including taking the boat out to Great Barrier Island. Just off the coast of Great Barrier Island we stopped to have a quick birthday fish. My brother was the first to catch a fish -he heaved up a massive snapper! My uncle then gave me a turn to fish. Straight away I had a fish on. It felt really heavy and was quite hard to reel in. When I got it on the boat I was surprised to see a gigantic snapper! My uncle said he usually puts the really big ones back but I had hooked its stomach and it was coming out of its mouth so we got to keep it! It tasted delicious!!!

Here is photographic evidence...


  1. Hi Dom,
    Awesome huge fish Dom. I wonder if you could catch a bigger one next time?
    From your friend Patrick.

    1. I hope I will catch a bigger one next time but it will be really really hard!!

  2. I like your awesome blog. i like the photos the fish you caught with
    tessa and Xavier

    From Lui,Matthew

  3. Hey Dom,
    what a great catch maybe next time you'll get a bigger one.
    Nice one!!!

    From Jack

  4. Hi dom

    awesome huge fish dom. I wish I could catch a whopper like that one. Looks like you had a great easter

    From your mate Luke(MANNO)

  5. Hey Dom,
    great catch maybe next time you'll get a bigger one.
    Nice one!!

    From Jack

  6. Hi Dom,
    do you know how much your fish weighed and what type of fish it was? Where in Auckland did you go?

    From Will

    1. Hi will,
      Thanks for the comment! The fish I caught was a 'ten pound snapper'. We were staying at our cousins house in Auckland which is in Mission Bay, but I caught the fish just off the coast of Great Barrier Island.
